Friday finds

I’m almost halfway through my Whole30 and I’m eating well, my friends… very well. Above is a platter of grilled goods from a post-hike dinner with my friends, and it was all so excellent. You bet I enjoyed the caramelized sweetness of that pineapple.

This weekend, I’ll be hiking and soaking up this rare Bay Area sun once more. Friends are in town, so it’s going to be a bit of a battle trying to stay on my super-strict program. I can’t wait to loosen up once the Whole30 is over, if only so that I can stop asking what cooking oils are in my food. The delicious homecooked meals though — they can stay.

Michael Pollan dissects (debunks?) the Paleo diet. (Grist)

Today at the intersection of physical and psychological wellbeing: mood food and enjoying life. (ScienceDaily)

This photoseries on equality made me pause. (Upworthy)

The land of milk and uni. (Bon Appetit)

I loved this piece on family meals — not just relevant to restaurants. (Michael Ruhlman)

As if I wasn’t anticipating ending my Whole30 with VooDoo doughnuts enough! (Willamette Weekly)

I’ve got chocolate on the brain: Cincinnati-style chili and Winning Hearts & Minds cake and even cocoa cauliflower. (Leite’s Culinaria/Food 52/Craving4More)

Ever wonder how many words you know? (Test Your Vocab)

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